
LOS ANGELES : Man Finds Wallet With $920, Turns It in to Police


A 20-year-old man found a wallet Thursday containing credit cards, identification and $920 and turned it in to police, who said it belonged to a man who had been beaten and robbed.

“It’s just an outstanding thing that he’s done,” said Lt. Ed Wilson of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Southwest station. Robert Johnson found the wallet under his car when he and his mother went out to it about 8 a.m. from their residence near Vernon Avenue and Hoover Street, Wilson said.

“He brought it in to the police station, and we learned that the owner had been beaten and robbed yesterday a couple of blocks away,” Wilson said. Police were arranging to get the man’s property back to him, and were recommending a citation for Johnson, Wilson said.


“You know, this area of town gets a lot of bad press,” Wilson said. “But there are good people here.”
