
VENTURA : Code Enforcement Officials Criticize Store’s Poster, Mural

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Maybe it’s only rock and roll, but the Wild Planet music store in downtown Ventura again has proven that it is a little too wild for City Hall.

First, the store’s eye-grabbing mural of swirling neon flames irked Ventura’s code enforcement officers. And now officials say a promotional poster for the rock group Nirvana--featuring a nude baby swimming in a pool--is offensive.

Earlier this week, code officials told store workers to get rid of the poster, or at least cover up the nude baby. Workers responded by hiding the baby’s groin with a hot-pink Post-It note, with the handwritten comment, “compliments of the city of Ventura.”


Late Tuesday, someone added another sign, written on an arrow-shaped piece of paper, that asks “What’s behind this!” It’s a question store owner Peter Weal wishes he could answer. He said he is dismayed by his misfortune with the city’s code enforcement officers.

“I can’t believe people are so freaked out about it,” Weal said. After all, he said, it’s only a picture of a baby.

But code enforcement specialist Dan Emry sees it differently.

“The issue was nudity, whether it was a 1-year-old or an 88-year-old,” Emry said. “I got a call from a fellow who was offended. He asked me if there was anything we could do about it.


“I don’t walk around the downtown area waiting for (Wild Planet) to do something illegal,” Emry continued. “But there are laws and ordinances that everyone has to comply with.”

Meanwhile, Weal is scheduled to appear before the city’s Architectural Review Board on Monday to discuss the status of the mural painted in neon colors on the front of the store.

Officials have asked that Weal remove the sign because they say colors are too loud. But Weal has refused. The matter is expected to be decided by the City Council.
