
Married to Humiliation


If you were brave enough to wear that hideous, unflattering, overdone bridesmaid dress once in public, you should be stoic enough to do it again. The Young Professionals Against Cancer host the Bridesmaid’s Charity Ball June 5, calling all former bridesmaids and groomsmen to haul out their most outre wedding outfits and model them for a panel of judges.

That mint-green, poly-satin Gone With the Wind-style atrocity and the baby blue tux with the lapels that reach to Asia may actually be worth something: Prizes will be awarded to the best- (or should that be the worst?) dressed couples. Proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. (For ticket info, call (310) 364-3934.)

We hope Mr. Blackwell will be nowhere in sight. Seeing all of these clothes at once could be detrimental to his health.


Right Again

Buzz knew it was only a matter of time before we got a call from a publicist who pitched an event like this: “We think we’re probably the first post-riot movie premiere!”

No Kidding!

At a recent Beverly Hills party a woman was overheard proclaiming The Truth About Parenthood: “Since my kids were born, I don’t buy anything for myself anymore.”

Uneasy Rider

One of the more unusual vehicular accessories Buzz has come across lately is a bicycle rack--loaded with a mountain bike--attached to the back of a Suzuki 750cc motorcycle. Although we considered this a bit redundant in the two-wheel transportation category, we were told by the bike owner, bicycle-shop employee Darby Holland, that he built the rack so he could carry his bike into the hills and to races.

Holland said the effect on steering is “about like having a 200-pound person sitting on the back.” Holland’s contraption can also hold skis and small surfboards, although mounting a kayak “would be a little difficult.”
