
Revenue From L.A. Airport


George Bush and Dan Quayle flew into Los Angeles and had an idea. They decided that selling the airport would be a good way to fund Los Angeles’ rebuilding efforts. Now, in the face of actual evidence to the contrary, they say it’s up to local authorities to do whatever they want anyway (“Study Says City Would Gain by Keeping LAX,” May 28). Well, thanks for the help, guys.

In 1989 when I held hearings on this issue, we came to exactly the same conclusion as the airport’s consultant. We concluded that there are ways to maximize Los Angeles International Airport as a resource without selling the golden goose.

Now is the time to renegotiate leases with airport tenants so that rates are comparable to those in other cities. Now is the time to put this valuable property back on the tax rolls. Now is the time to increase landing fees to 1992 standards. Now is the time to create new revenue-generating uses within terminals as long as they don’t interfere with airport services and safety. Now is the time to make certain that the management of LAX operates it as a profit center for the people of Los Angeles. And finally, now is the time to create an ongoing revenue stream for the city, instead of always raising taxes.


Local authorities should start down the trail blazed by my committee and their own airport consultant--the path to greater profits.

RICHARD KATZ, Assemblyman, D-Sylmar
