
Halfway to a New Car

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On June 14, you graciously printed a letter from me asking readers to please be on the lookout for my stolen ’79 Mustang. The letter also stated that I was a disabled World War II veteran engaged in considerable volunteer work and desperately needed that car to continue aiding the homebound seniors and the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Sepulveda.

I still haven’t found my car, but I felt I should publicly thank the two couples who, out of the millions of Sunday Los Angeles Times readers, offered alternative aid.

That Sunday afternoon, I received a call from Eve and Marc Ray, who easily located my number from the obvious source. When they learned that I still hadn’t found my car, they insisted on offering me $500 to apply toward another automobile. Quite frankly, I was terribly embarrassed, since I had only asked readers to keep an eye out for my stolen property, but they insisted and brought the check to me on Tuesday.


The following Friday, friends of mine, Rhonda and David Rand, called to say they were sending a check for $200 and Rhonda’s personal check arrived in the mail this past Monday. Also, both parties said they would try to secure additional funds from families and friends.

What they have donated, added to what I’ve been able to raise selling some of my belongings, puts me about halfway toward my goal. I truly believe that Eve and Marc and Rhonda and David are the most wonderful people one could hope to know, and richly deserve any accolades I can offer for their thoughtfulness, compassion and generosity.

