
CAMARILLO : 4 Men Are Arrested on Cocaine Charges

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Four men who were openly smoking what appeared to be crack cocaine in an upholstery business were arrested Saturday afternoon after an off-duty sheriff’s deputy stopped in to have his car seats redone, sheriff’s deputies said.

Deputy Richard Barrias walked into Churik Upholstery on Dawson Drive in Camarillo and saw the men passing a cocaine pipe, said Sheriff’s Lt. Mike Pitts. Barrias left and called 911. Deputies stationed in Camarillo responded and arrested the men on two misdemeanor drug charges and one charge each of felony possession.

Police said Julio Vasquez, 36, Armando Morales, 36, Marco Polanco, 32, and Heriberto Gomez, 25, all of Camarillo, were taken to Ventura County Jail. It was not known whether the men are employees of the business, Pitts said.
