
Citizen Participation

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Nov. 3 is Election Day. That’s hardly news. The gyrations of the Democrats and Republicans now occupy our attention. But for San Juan Capistrano, the day of truth isn’t Nov. 3, it’s Friday. This is the deadline to file candidacy papers for the City Council election.

Perhaps you are disgusted after reading the papers and feel like you could do a better job. Well, I want to encourage you to take the next step. We need talented new blood, with fresh ideas, to make a positive change in our local government.

For 14 years, the San Juan Capistrano council has been closely gripped by a small, self-perpetuating clique. It is time for a change. Only candidates who do not owe any favors to the present council majority will make a difference.


Do not let your lack of experience in City Hall or membership on any city commissions deter you; previous experience is not required. In fact, this may be an invaluable asset to guide your thinking. Maybe we’ll see more decisions made in the public’s best interest rather than the interests of big development. The primary requirement is a sincere desire to help our city government re-establish fiscal responsibility, to return to citizen accountability and be willing to listen to all sides of each issue.

Many changes are needed at City Hall; a housecleaning with new directions is long overdue. But change for the better cannot occur unless citizens step forward and decide to get involved. Serving on the City Council is stimulating and rewarding.


Former Mayor

San Juan Capistrano
