
Jim Baker’s Role

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After weeks of vacillation, George Bush has finally decided to bring Jim Baker over to head his reelection campaign (Aug. 14). Bush has said that he “would do anything to get reelected.” Apparently this is the one issue that he’s really serious about.

Foreign policy is supposedly Bush’s greatest strength, and yet he has shown his willingness to sacrifice foreign policy and the progress toward Mideast peace that Baker has worked so hard to achieve in order to further his own political ends.

Concerned Republicans have been saying that Bush needs to come forward with a comprehensive plan for moving this country forward. And Bush is now calling for help in building “an integrated second-term program.” But why did he never see the need for a comprehensive domestic program in his first term? The fact is that Bush has no passion for confronting domestic problems; his primary domestic agenda is simply to get reelected.



Costa Mesa
