
Leave Valley Nightspot Alone


According to a well-balanced Times report (“Sleepless Nights,” Valley edition, Aug. 19), Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky is assuring his new Valley constituents that he will “go to the mat” against the Insomnia Cafe.

Why, one must ask, would the good councilman want to close down the only safe spot in Sherman Oaks for young adults to go at night?

Perhaps Zev has just not had time to come out to the Valley. Worried to drive over the hill, he would find that Insomnia is not like the drug-riddled dives that proliferate on the Westside. Instead, he would find the patrons well-behaved and the conversations of substance. Most importantly, unlike virtually every other nightspot in Zev’s bailiwick, at the Insomnia there is no alcohol, no drugs and no crime.


Not since Capt. Renault sought to close the cafe in the film “Casablanca” have we seen a politician of such moral fiber. Zev should stick to raising contributions from Westside developers and leave his Valley kids alone.


Sherman Oaks
