
Alternative Route Sought


Bravo to Councilwoman Rita Walters. Her decision to study the abolition of the Reseda Boulevard extension rather than give up an important link to the Westside was very heroic.

Commuters are at wits’ end with congestion and here we have a special interest group trying to prevent construction of a road that will ease this problem. It is about time that someone stood up to the NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude of the folks in Councilman Marvin Braude’s district.

The planning, fire and traffic departments all believe that this road is good for Los Angeles. Reseda Boulevard extension will benefit millions of people by providing better fire protection, access to Topanga State Park and easing the daily commute.


We should all write Councilman Braude a letter about our daily trip on the Ventura Freeway through the Sepulveda Pass. Perhaps if he realized how many people would benefit from an alternate route to the Westside, he might withdraw this short-sighted proposal.


