
A Wider Vision


The light at the end of the tunnel shown in your illustration for Donald Bren’s Commentary (“New Engine Will Propel County to More Prosperous Future,” Oct. 11) should be a lot brighter for Mr. Bren and a lot smoggier for the rest of us. Of course he would like to see Orange County prosper--a lot of its undeveloped land belongs to him. In addition to hear his expounding an economic recovery, I would like to hear his views on the continuing traffic congestion and debilitating air quality we have in this county.

If Mr. Bren has enough vision to see to the end of the tunnel, why can’t he see the bigger picture and see what is best for the rest of us? He might have mentioned the billions of dollars in federal monies (the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991) that could be brought to this county to build advanced transportation systems which would also be a big boost for our ailing economy.

I suggest Mr. Bren have his vision checked for myopia. Upon close examination one might find dollar signs.


