
It’s Time for Multi-Track : Apologies to Woodland Hills


After reading “A Grab Bag of Steps to Eliminate ‘Recreation Apartheid,’ ” by Jack Foley and Veda Ward in The Times, Oct. 19, it sounds to me like apologies are in order for Woodland Hills Recreation Center.

The parents whose families use Woodland Hills Recreation Center apologize for the following:

1. Teaching our children that graffiti is wrong and destructive.

2. Teaching our children not to destroy public facilities that are built for the benefit of their community.


3. Teaching our children to throw away their trash.

4. Teaching our children to respect and obey adult supervision at the park.

We also apologize for any adult who has given his or her free time and tried to set a good example for children.

I guess it really is the fault of all those people who use Woodland Hills Recreation Center that it is in the shape it’s in.


West Hills
