
South Pasadena : Survey Praises City Services


About 75% of residents responding to a citywide survey think that South Pasadena is providing adequate to good service levels and slightly more than half support the imposition of a utility tax to generate additional revenue.

The survey, mailed to 10,000 residents, drew more than 2,000 responses.

The results were presented to the City Council last week by City Manager Kenneth C. Farfsing. He said 37% of the respondents rated city services as “not good or bad,” and 38% think that the city is providing “good” or “very good” services. Meanwhile, about 11% of the respondents characterized service quality as “bad” or “very bad,” with many of them citing negative employee attitudes.

The utility tax, adopted by the City Council in July, was favored by 51% of the respondents.
