
Limiting Violence on Television

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So after spending years bullying the networks into accepting guidelines for the depiction of violence, Sen. Paul Simon (D-Ill.) now bemoans that the guidelines “lack teeth” because they can’t be enforced by law. Damn right! Maybe he’s forgotten, but there’s a thing called the First Amendment that prevents government from proscribing what its citizens may see and say.

Ultimately, there’s only one solution--abolish the FCC (at least as far as it has power to control content). After over half a century of operating by leave of the government, let broadcasters take their rightful place alongside book, magazine and newspaper publishers and let the public truly decide what it wants.

Until then, let me ask broadcasters who’ve yet to sign on to the agreement not to give in to extortion. Simon may have a lot of power on his side, but broadcasters have something more important--freedom.



Los Angeles
