
The Factors in Man’s Beating in Laguna


The beating which occurred Jan. 9 (“Man Beaten in Laguna in Possible Hate Crime,” Jan. 10) is one of the many reasons my family will move to the East Coast next month.

What has saddened me over the years is the fact that many Orange County parents are raising their children to be intolerant of anyone of a different race or sexual persuasion.

My husband and I have made the decision to move to Boston because we feel the state of Massachusetts as a whole has more compassion toward humans in general and that discrimination will hopefully be the rarity. Here in Orange County it seems to be the norm. My hope for my children is that they have love and compassion for all people, no matter their sexual persuasion or race.


My children are young and are at an impressionable age, and I no longer want them to accept discrimination as an acceptable behavior. The beating of a human being is wrong and should not and cannot be tolerated.

My plea to all parents is to raise their children to respect all human life and not to discriminate against those who are different from themselves.

My question to the readers of this paper are: If your child discriminates, do you tolerate it or do you try to change the behavior?


Lake Forest
