
Woman Discovers Dead Baby in Bag

From a Times Staff Writer

A woman found a dead full-term baby in a bag while she was cleaning an El Modena bedroom Thursday, authorities said.

The discovery was made in a house on the 11700 block of Esplanade Street shortly before 12:15 p.m., according to Sheriff’s Lt. Dick Olson.

A neighbor said she told deputies at the scene that she had heard screams coming from the house for a few moments on Wednesday night, first from an adult and then from a child. But the neighbor, who did not want to be identified, said deputies told her that they did not think that whatever she heard was related to this incident.


Deputies also towed a car from the house Thursday night, but would not say why.

The coroner’s office said it would be unable to determine the child’s sex, race or cause of death until an autopsy is conducted.
