
Obituaries - Jan. 27, 1993


Frank Freidel; Harvard History Professor and Expert on F.D.R.

Frank Freidel, 76, a Harvard University historian known for his biographies of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Freidel wrote six books about Roosevelt and was working on a seventh when he died. His most recent book about Roosevelt is “Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous With Destiny,” published in 1990. Among his other books were “Splendid Little War,” a pictorial history of the Spanish-American War; “America in the Twentieth Century” and “A History of the United States” in two volumes. He joined the Harvard faculty in 1955, retiring in 1981. He taught at the University of Washington in Seattle from 1981 to 1986. In Cambridge, Mass., on Monday of the complications of pneumonia.
