
WE’RE-STOPPING-THE-RAIN BOX : A Last Run Through the CCR Jungle

Pop Eye presents the third--and final--installment in a running dialogue between former Creedence Clearwater Revival members Stu Cook, Doug Clifford (Pop Eye, Jan. 31) and John Fogerty (Feb. 7) :

I’d like to respond to John Fogerty’s letter in last week’s Pop Eye.

Item: John didn’t receive any support from his former bandmates during his trial against Fantasy because he didn’t ask for any. Only Fantasy contacted me regarding testifying for them, and I declined.

Item: I sold my use-approval rights to Fantasy for reasons that are not John’s concern. He was not consulted, as the transaction in no way affected him. I never denied the sale occurred. The votes were usually 3 against 1, anyhow. I have never authorized the use of CCR recordings in advertisements. The use of John Fogerty compositions in this manner is something over which none of us has any control. John forgets that these records were also my work, and as such, I am entitled to enjoy the financial rewards. By the way, John has made substantial amounts of money from these uses.

Item: Apparently anything short of joining John in his wacko war against Saul Zaentz and Fantasy Records is reason enough to be branded by him as “greedy, devious and cowardly.” John’s characterization of our business relationship with our former label is an excellent example of his distorted view of the real world.



