
WE’RE-STOPPING-THE-RAIN BOX : A Last Run Through the CCR Jungle

Pop Eye presents the third--and final--installment in a running dialogue between former Creedence Clearwater Revival members Stu Cook, Doug Clifford (Pop Eye, Jan. 31) and John Fogerty (Feb. 7) :

I feel compelled to write to again refute John’s statements. I never suggested to Saul Zaentz that he sue John for plagiarism. I did have a conversation with Saul during which he asked my opinion of the new record. I told him “The Old Man Down the Road” was “Run Through the Jungle” with different lyrics.

I did not go to John’s plagiarism trial. In fact, Fantasy asked me to be its witness, and I refused. I did sign a sworn statement that I did not play the songs for Saul or suggest a lawsuit. Saul and I have worked out our differences like gentlemen; however, John is incapable of this.

John’s refusal to play Creedence songs with us at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was based on this premise: He says “it just seemed like a fake situation”--so what would you call playing with Bruce Springsteen and Robbie Robertson at CCR’s induction?


John’s hatred is deep-seated, ugly and totally consuming. Thank God he can’t take the love and care out of CCR’s music, and as for the music, I care a lot more about it than he will ever know.


Lake Tahoe, Nev.
