
Ducks Lovers and Ducks Haters Face Off

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What in the heck is/was Michael Eisner thinking? The Mighty Ducks? What kind of wimp name is that? Give me a break, Mike. I was going to buy season seats for the inaugural season until I heard the name of the team.

I ask you, how is a duck mighty? There is nothing mighty about the species of duck. Being a player and a huge hockey fan, I know that players take pride in the team they play for. Whether it’s the Kings, Canucks, Maple Leafs, Penguins or whatever. The point is the Mighty Ducks is possibly the weakest name Eisner could think of.

What player could take pride in this team? School pride is one thing (University of Oregon Ducks) but not in the NHL. These players might spend more time fighting because of being embarrassed by opposing players even though Disney wants courteous employees.


Another brainstorm of Eisner is the duck calls fans will be blowing when the Ducks score a goal. Can you hear 16,000 fans all blowing into duck calls? I would bring a umbrella with you to the game so the birds waiting outside don’t get you.


