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THE ROAMIN’ DUKE: The California Shakespeare Company has scheduled open auditions for its upcoming production of “Measure for Measure”--this is the one where Duke Vincentio roams about the people disguised as a friar after turning his domain over to ruthless administrator Angelo. It’s a comedy. There are 14 parts for men and (this being Shakespeare) five for women; there may be some doubling. Cold readings from the text will be held Sunday at 7 p.m., Monday and Tuesday and 7:30 p.m. at the California Shakespeare Company Theater, 6685 Princeton Ave. (in Varsity Park Plaza), Moorpark. Rehearsals begin March 29, and performances will be held Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons from May 7 through June 6. For additional information, call 498-3354 or (805) 373-9243.

YOU’VE GOT TO GET UP PRETTY EARLY. . . .: The Plaza Players will hold auditions for their production of Paul Osborn’s comedy-drama “Morning’s at Seven,” to be directed by Patricia Lynn-Strickland. The cast consists of five women and four men, all (shall we say) mature. Auditions will be held at the Plaza Players Theater, 34 North Palm St. in Ventura, on Monday and Tuesday, April 5 and 6 at 7 p.m. The play will run Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings from May 22-July 3.
