
The Gnatcatcher’s Disappearing Habitat and Related ‘Non-Issues’

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The March 3 editorial, “A Worthy Project Gets Off the Ground,” makes some erroneous assumptions.

* The myopic statement about the tollway, that its route cutting across “beautiful canyons near Laguna Beach grates on canyon lovers who regard the coastal hills as their own.” I am thankful for the canyon lovers who have worked for years to preserve the hills for all of us. Just as I am thankful to our foremothers and fathers who managed to save Yosemite park for us.

* Vice President Al Gore has stated many times that the “jobs versus environment” issue is false, citing job-creating environmental projects that should receive our support.


* Certainly something must be done to relieve traffic congestion--like more railways instead of automobile tollways.

The editorial decries the “contentious ways” used by those who work to preserve our environment. What else is left to bring public attention to the “indisputable swath of environmental destruction” after goodwill and creativity have been exhausted?


Huntington Beach
