
LACMA’s Future


I don’t know Maurice Tuchman, Philip Conisbee, the curators of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, anyone sitting on the board of directors nor Michael Shapiro (“After 6 Months, Shapiro Assesses LACMA’s Future,” April 12). I’m simply a subscribing member who has taken a hard look at what has come out of the museum lately in the way of creative planning. I have not been overwhelmed.

Everything cannot be blamed on the economics of the times. How expensive can it be to nurture our California artists? And God forbid we should be clued in on how museum leadership envisions attracting our enormous multiethnic population to come to the museum. Instead of stabilizing the museum, we are finding out how to erode a museum--with bad politics, clashing egos and shabby treatment of personnel.

Other than writing this letter, there is only one thing I can do, and that is not renew my membership. The board of directors and the museum director must share the blame in shaping these happenings and treating our museum as their museum. MANYA SHATZ

