
School Voucher Initiative

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In my opinion as a teacher, in spite of what those who espouse Project LEARN say, there is nothing wrong with our present school system that adequate funding would not go a long way toward curing. The means of dealing with most of the students who are failing are in place; the biggest problem is lack of money.

Positions are being cut. School psychologists and counselors are not available to help troubled students, so we must deal with their disruptions in our classrooms. Now the librarians and music teachers are going. Dedicated teachers are being asked to do an impossible job with one hand tied behind their backs.

The voucher system will tie the other hand. It is an elitist notion. Those with the wherewithal and interest would leave the district, taking their funding with them. All that would be left would be children whose parents could not afford the additional money it would require to attend a private school. They would be thrown in with children whose parents simply don’t care.


The voucher system would mean the end of the public school system and therefore, I think, it would be unconstitutional.


San Pedro
