
Two Murray Columns, Two Different Opinions


I attended the University of Kansas at the same time as Jim Ryun (class of ‘69), and have followed his career ever since. Not until reading Jim Murray’s column on May 25 was I aware that he had a hearing problem. I have admired Murray’s work for more than 20 years and once again he has educated me.


Manhattan Beach


To Jim Murray:

I just got back from the Indianapolis 500 and opened my L.A. Times to the sports section. After reading the other stories, I turned to your column. Imagine my surprise when I realized you must have been at another race.

You say that the “Santa Monica Freeway makes this race look like a parking lot.” You may have the stature of a sportswriting icon, but your observations lead me to believe you may have lost touch with reality.


“It wasn’t a race, it was a traffic jam. . . . There was no passing in the corners and not much of it on the straightaways.”

I saw some of the most exciting racing action in years. Twelve different drivers were involved in 24 lead changes. Besides, sometimes the excitement comes from a furious chase as much as a daring pass.

The idea of the race is to win. If only two cars are running at the end, or all 33, the idea is to finish first. Why would you devote column space to complain that “24 cars were still running when the checkered flag fell?” Is that a bad thing? Everyone I talked to after the race was pleasantly surprised that so many cars were still going.

Better luck next year, Jim. Maybe you should actually go to the race. You can ride your llama.


