
FAMILY FEUD? Some local moderate, pro-choice GOP...


FAMILY FEUD? Some local moderate, pro-choice GOP members----including Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder--have formed Traditional Republicans United. Some Republicans are irked about it, and the whole thing could result in legal action. . . . GOP lawyer Michael J. Schroeder says it’s an Election Code violation to use the term Republican without permission. The new group disagrees, says William Sheffield, its attorney. . . . It has no plans to drop the name.


FURTHER FEUDING: The letter exchange between the dueling lawyers has been heated. Sheffield called Schroeder “unprofessional.” Schroeder, referring to Sheffield’s days as a Superior Court judge, retorts: “Given your intemperate approach to the law, one can only pity the litigants who were formerly forced to appear before you.” . . . Actually, Sheffield can still be seen in judicial robes. He plays the judge in a mock trial movie shown prospective jurors at the county courthouse.


OUR OWN HERO: As parties go, the one at Planet Hollywood in Santa Ana Saturday night should rank among the most fun-filled. Twenty MTV contest winners nationwide have been flown in to sup with Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the club’s owners. Also, one of them, chosen at random, will walk away delighted: Gifts of the “Slatermobile,” the Bonneville convertible Arnold drives in his new movie, “Last Action Hero,” plus $10,000 cash and the “hero’s” leather jacket. . . . It’s all to hype the movie, of course, which opens here Friday.



RECEPTION TOO? County transit board member Dana Reed is getting more ribbing than RSVP’s on invitations to his wedding to city of Burbank executive Debra Sharick. They request the pleasure of your company on July 4 at the Mount Kenya Safari Club, in East Africa. . . . “It was that or the Elvis chapel in Las Vegas; we chose Africa,” Reed says. They met at a 1991 Orange County Chamber of Commerce annual conference. An “African wedding breakfast” is included.
