

<i> Compiled by Michael Wilmington</i>

Following are The Times’ recommendations for today’s schedule of the American Film Institute International Film Festival, with commentary by the film reviewing staff. All screenings at Laemmle’s Sunset 5, 8000 Sunset. Information: (213) 466-1767. Recommended:

“THE GREAT UNPLEASANTNESS”(U.S.; Dorne Pentes; 1:40, 4:05, 6:50 & 9:05 p.m.). An engaging Southern-style punk couple and their neighbors take on the boy’s corrupt father, while attempting to avoid eviction from their shabby but pleasant Charlotte, N.C., apartment house. Writer-director Dorne M. Pentes is a real discovery: a quirky regionalist who is in no way amateurish or unsophisticated. As the harassed lovers Errol and Isabel, Peter Carrs and, especially, Collyn Gaffney, are terrific.

“SCANDAL”(Great Britain, 1988; Michael Caton-Jones; 1:50 & 7 p.m.). This 1989 take on the Profumo Affair, the playgirl-politico scandal that rocked Britain and its government in the ‘60s, is utterly absorbing--if a tad too indulgent of the central character, social-climber-cum-procurer Stephen Ward (John Hurt). Joanne Whalley-Kilmer is perfect as Ward’s protegee Christine Keeler; so is Ian McKellen as her hapless lover, Cabinet Minister John Profumo. Directed by Michael Caton-Jones (“This Boy’s Life”).
