
‘Dornans Go Public With Private Pain’


I was rather annoyed that your fine paper would devote a complete page on the secret life of Bob Dornan (“Dornans Go Public With Private Pain,” June 24).

Quite frankly, I would rather read news items of interest, instead of a long-winded article of insignificant facts.

Perhaps these disclosures are aimed at “softening up” his bid for President in 1996 when in fact this type of issue is no longer considered in the process. (Look at the last election.)


Let’s bring news of real interest to your readers. Let Bob save this for his memoirs.


Fountain Valley

* I was stunned to see your front-page beatification of Bob Dornan. He should consider this exposure a political donation and report it.

Dornan has historically displayed a violent temper in public; (as to) behind closed doors, one could only speculate. However, it’s interesting to note that he’s coming clean now after being threatened with exposure because he’s got a big political agenda.

While asking for sympathy for himself and his family, maybe Dornan will look back on his history of labeling people as “queers,” “scum hippies,” “drug crazies” and “leftist goons” and repent.



* I’d like you to know the Sallie Dornan I know. She is a very good and loving grandmother to my children. She is a person who rocks my children to sleep at night, the person who had a tea party for my daughter’s fifth birthday.

Dave Lesher quoted my husband, Robert Dornan Jr., saying he told his father to divorce his mother when they were having hard times together. This happened more than 20 years ago. Let us enjoy the changed Sallie Dornan whose children love her and not take away from our children’s grandmother.


Clifton, Va.

* What a story of inspiration!

Perhaps I too can strive to be like Rep. Dornan and run for public office.

Let’s see:

1. Submit some wholesome family pictures to the media.

2. Make sure everyone is clear in their recollection of the past.

3. Quote some Scripture (mandatory).

No, it won’t work. Although I served on a mission (Mormon), am an Eagle Scout, and volunteer to help others, I am a homosexual and Rep. Dornan has already clarified my worth to society.



Laguna Beach

* Dysfunctional families frequently put blame on mother, rather than the abusing father. The wife, because of low self-esteem, accepts the burden. This is strange but true.

When a troubled marriage doesn’t work out, the woman is often blamed in America, especially if her husband is rich or famous. This appears to be the case in the Bob Dornan family, and since this is a political family, she must take the blame. Blame was even put on Sallie Dornan’s mother! She was too “domineering.” Does that mean Dornan isn’t? Give us a break!

The public needs to be informed that many women in abusive relationships learn to “self-medicate” (drink or use drugs to hide their pain).

Sallie Dornan compared herself to Kitty Dukakis and Betty Ford, but their husbands were not arrested for wife-beating!

The article would have us believe that Dornan is the long-suffering husband. Perhaps he plans to run for President. That might explain his “coming out”!


San Clemente

* Like any decent human being I am happy that Sallie Dornan is rehabilitated and can now lead a happy and productive life. But, come now, the general public didn’t come down with the last rain! It’s easier to forgive Robert Dornan for what seems to me to be his lack of character, common decency or understanding and compassion for those who think differently than he does, than to believe your article. It’s just like the words in the John Lennon song: “You just can’t hide when you’re crippled inside.”



Laguna Hills
