
Davey Allison Deserved Better


No, Charles Barkley doesn’t want to be a role model, but I believe we had one right in front of us without even knowing it. I guess Davey Allison wasn’t in enough trouble for your paper to write very much about him. I’m sure there are lots of other racing fans who would like to hear about his wonderful life, along with his tragic death. Please give Davey and his family their fair tribute.


Temple City


This is in response to your list of aircraft crash deaths in the July 14 issue. You failed to list the following:

1972: Lance Reventlow (Woolworth heir and former race car driver)

1977: Carlos Pace (F1 race car driver)

1981: David Prophet (Race car driver)

1982: Harald Ertl (Former F1 driver)

1985: David Purley (Former F1 driver)

1987: Henry Liddon-Nigel Harris (Rally drivers)

1988: Jose Dolhem (Former F1 driver)

1988: Jon Woodner (Race car driver)

1993: Chip Mead (Race car driver)


North Hollywood
