
The Community and Renovations at Fox Studios


I am writing in response to your (July 25) article regarding Fox’s attempt to avoid further delays in its efforts to renovate the studio.

First, Fox is not trying to get around any environmental regulations. The project has been studied, including a huge EIR, and has been approved. It will be closely monitored to make sure it complies with all terms and regulations.

Second, you keep pitting “the corporation” against “the community.” I am not part of the corporation, but I am part of the community, as are thousands of others who have taken the time to write, call or show up at the hearings in support of this project.


That any corporation, small business or individual property owner should have to endure a 3 1/2-year process to find out what they can or cannot do on their own property is deplorable. There comes a time to decide and move on. That time has come for Fox. Let the renovation begin.


Los Angeles
