
West Hollywood : Plan for Plummer Park

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A swimming pool? More tennis courts? Skateboarding?

All those are on a growing wish list for Plummer Park, as West Hollywood officials begin sketching a new blueprint for a busy hub drawing everyone from elderly Russian immigrants and young couples with children to teen-agers and vagrants.

The city is holding a public meeting Wednesday to solicit ideas for the park’s master plan, including everything from cosmetic improvements to park uses.

The East End park is particularly popular with the city’s Russian immigrants, many of whom spend their days and evenings playing cards and dominoes on the tables and benches there. An interpreter will be at the meeting to translate for Russian speakers.


The meeting will be held at the park’s Fiesta Hall at 1200 N. Vista St. at 6 p.m. Residents are also asked to mail their ideas for the park to City Hall at 8611 Santa Monica Blvd., 90069.
