
BREA : School District Hires Teachers, Pays Bonus

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The Brea-Olinda Unified School District began classes this week with enough money to hire six new teachers, give a onetime 3% pay bonus and buy new textbooks and other materials for student use.

School board members voted 6 to 0 this week to adopt the $21.3-million budget for the 1993-94 fiscal year. They managed to spare the district from making any cuts and also put about $3 million in reserve.

Board member Leonard MacKain was absent at Monday’s meeting.

“The district has traditionally paid its employees less than the average district,” Assistant Supt. Gary D. Goff said, attributing the school board’s frugality for its “healthy” budget.


“Our school board has always taken a very conservative approach toward expenditures,” he said. “That’s why the budget is well-developed.”

But board member Frank Davies said: “We don’t want to say public education is well-funded and in good shape. We do want to say we’re living in tough times . . . and within our means.”

Not included in the budget is another $12,500 the district has received from charging for transportation. About 225 students each paid $50 to ride the school buses. The money has not been allocated.


Goff said $190,000 will be spent on buying new textbooks and science class materials, while about $180,000 will pay the new teachers’ salaries and $405,000 will be distributed to all employees in the form of bonuses.
