
Countywide : Flood Channel Work Will Cost $607,458

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The Board of Supervisors has approved contract bids for three flood-control channel repair and maintenance projects totaling $607,458.

The supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday on the separate items, which correct storm damage or provide for routine removal of silt that impedes water flow through the countywide network of channels.

The approved projects--one each in Irvine, Fullerton and Buena Park--were each awarded to the lowest bidding contractor, and in two of the cases the county will recoup most of its costs through agreements with other government agencies, an official said.


The projects and winning bidders are:

* The Roadway Construction Co. Inc., which was selected to handle a 40-day removal of sediment collected along the San Diego Creek In-Channel Basin in Irvine. The project will initially cost the county $293,000.

Roadway will be paid $293,000 for the work, with the county paying $76,180 and receiving the balance in contributions from four cooperating agencies--the Irvine Co. and the cities of Irvine, Newport Beach and Tustin, said County Maintenance Services Manager Tom Connelie.

* Los Angeles Engineering Inc., which was awarded a $289,003 contract for the 45-day task of removing and reconstructing the reinforced concrete lining of a portion of the Coyote Creek Channel bottom in Buena Park.


The county will recover 94% of the project costs through state and Federal Emergency Management Agency money, Connelie said.

* Construction Engineers, which won a $25,455 contract to rebuild the channel lining of a section of the Fullerton Creek Channel just north of Walnut Avenue near Wanda Drive. The project is a relatively minor repair of the channel’s concrete panels, which have been worn through normal deterioration, Connelie said.
