
Finalists for the 1992-1993 Los Angeles Times Book Prizes : FICTION

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<i> Marjorie Lewellyn Marks is manager of the Los Angeles Times Book Prizes and a contributing author of "Life Guidance Through Literature" (American Library Assn.)</i>

WILLIAM TREVOR: The Collected Stories by William Trevor (Viking). An omnibus of 60 short stories that includes four not previously published in book form. Trevor’s mainly Anglo-Irish characters embody universal humanity as they reflect on empty and disappointing lives in which each can remember the moment that marked the end of childhood, or in one case, of marital happiness; they mourn the loss of magic and accept the inevitability of sadness and despair in stories that weave the profound and the haunting aspects of existence through the author’s acutely compassionate and elegant prose.

The Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalists and winners are selected in each category by an independent panel of judges. Winners will be announced in the Book Review issue of October 31.
