
PROBLEM OF PROOF: No bank robbery charges...

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PROBLEM OF PROOF: No bank robbery charges will be filed against 66-year-old Leona Vanatta, the San Fernando woman who used a gun to take the amount of her missing Social Security check from a teller (B1). . . Prosecutors decided they could never prove that she intended to steal the money. The case, says a spokesman for the American Assn. of Retired People, shows how “desperate” seniors on fixed incomes can become.

FARE REVOLT: Bus-riding commuters won a bittersweet victory Tuesday when the Antelope Valley Transit Authority agreed to increase fares to the San Fernando Valley by only 21%--less than half of a proposed 44% rate hike (B14). . . Commuters had threatened to do the unthinkable--return to their cars--if the AVTA went ahead with the higher increase. . . Said an AVTA board member of the new fares: “When this is all analyzed I think this is a terrific bargain.”

DIGS AT DIGNITY: It was a modest proposal, to create a new logo that would help Cal State Northridge enhance its image with a dose of dignity and consistency (B3). . . . But the choice of the school’s less-than-landmark Oviatt Library as the central image has drawn widespread criticism. “I’m not certain there are that many people beyond the campus who know what that library is,” complained faculty President Louise Lewis. The logo itself (above) isn’t the only sticking point: total cost, including design work and the study that suggested it, was more than $18,000.


FUN AND GAMES: Larry Edwards, football coach at Calabasas High, takes a refreshing approach to his job with a one-liner for every situation. Of course, it’s easy to be funny when your team is picked to win the Frontier League championship (C8). . . . It hasn’t always been that way. Edwards has a sub-.500 record during his 10 seasons at Calabasas but appears to have the Coyotes on the right track.
