
FILLMORE : Council to Seek Cable TV Controls

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The city of Fillmore joined seven other Ventura County cities when members decided this week to seek permission to locally enforce laws set by the Federal Communications Commission.

The council agreed by unanimous vote to ask the FCC for the right to monitor local cable companies to make sure they are complying with new federally mandated rate reductions on basic service.

The vote came despite concerns from one councilman that local government might already be meddling too much in private enterprise.


“From a philosophical point of view, I have a real problem with government regulating private business,” Fillmore City Councilman Roger Campbell said. “But at this point I’d like to keep our options open.”

Only Port Hueneme and Santa Paula have not applied for the permit.

The move follows the Sept. 1 implementation of regulations by the FCC aimed at controlling the cost of basic cable service.

About 4,000 Fillmore residents receive cable service from Ventura County Cablevision, the largest cable company in the county.


The company charges Fillmore residents $12.92 for basic, 20-channel service, down from $13.50 for 15 channels before the change.

For its more popular 32-channel service, Cablevision charges $21.97, up from $21.50.

Fillmore residents are charged an additional amount, about $1, in franchise and copyright fees.
