
PORT PROSPERS: Business is up at the...

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PORT PROSPERS: Business is up at the Port of Hueneme, and next year promises to be even better. A new refrigerated cargo warehouse, expected to open Dec. 1, will allow a threefold increase in fresh-fruit exports, Port Deputy Director Bill Buenger said. . . . Auto trade at the port mainly involves imports of Mazdas, BMWs, Volvos and Jaguars. But exports of used American cars to Pacific Rim nations are increasing. . . . Passage of the NAFTA treaty could boost the port’s business with Mexico, Buenger said--unless it makes trucking to Mexico too easy.

STILL RIVALS: Barely a year after defeating longtime Ventura County Rep. Robert J. Lagomarsino, Rep. Michael Huffington (R-Santa Barbara) is running for the U. S. Senate. But don’t expect Lagomarsino to seek his old seat. He’s endorsing Santa Barbara County Supervisor Mike Stoker. . . . Not surprisingly, considering their bitter primary battle, Lagomarsino doesn’t plan to endorse Huffington. “I can’t see him as a senator. He’s not interested in the job he’s got.”

PARADE CLEANUP: Simi Valley Days is a collection of events extending through much of September. But it peaks this weekend with the rodeo dance tonight, the parade on Saturday, and rodeos Saturday night and Sunday. . . . “This is the culmination,” said Jere Sinclair, who’s organizing the 180-entry parade. New this year: a “Super Scooper” competition, featuring costumed teams that will entertain spectators while cleaning up after equestrian entries.


HOCUS-POCUS: First the Ventura County Fair chose “Makin’ Magic” as its theme this year. Now the county’s magicians are trying to get October designated as Magic Month. . . . Ted Wakai of Oxnard, president of the county’s Fellowship of Christian Magicians, said the county’s several hundred magicians deserve the honor. “We do a lot of fund raising for various groups.” . . . Magicians are hitting the Board of Supervisors and city councils for proclamations. “We hang them in libraries for people to see.”
