
LOS ANGELES : Aspin, Navy Ordered to Court Over Policy on Gays

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A federal judge who ruled that the Navy’s ban on homosexuals was unconstitutional has ordered the secretary of defense and other officials to explain why the policy is still in force or face contempt charges.

In a one-page order, U.S. District Judge Terry J. Hatter Jr. instructed Defense Secretary Les Aspin, the secretary of the Navy and the commanding officer of Moffett Field Naval Air Station near San Jose to appear in court today or send an agent to represent them.

Hatter chastised the Navy for “continuing disparate treatment” of Petty Officer Keith Meinhold, who was discharged after revealing on national television that he is homosexual. Meinhold was reinstated to his position as a petty officer and sonar technician at Moffett in March on a temporary order by Hatter.


Maj. Jeff Lovell, a Pentagon spokesman, said officials had not seen Hatter’s order and could not comment on it.
