
TUSTIN : Council Fills 17 Vacancies on Panels

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The City Council has filled 17 vacancies on city commissions and committees.

Appointed to the board of directors of the Community Foundation, a nonprofit agency created by the council in November to help raise funds for the city’s nonprofit groups, were Terry Riggins, Richard Sherr, James Farley, Margarete Thompson and Cherry Bell. Some of them will probably serve for four years, others for two to maintain continuity, officials said.

Kathy Weil and Al Baker were named to the Planning Commission. They will serve for two years.

Appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for two-year terms were Margarete Thompson, Joe Dias, Terri Neal and Kenneth Royal. The Parks and Recreation Commission advises the council on parks and recreation facilities, parks designs and recreations programs.


Al Shifber-Mencher, Jerry Weil and Walt Sullens were appointed to the Audit Committee and will serve for four years.

Jeff Thompson, Warren Lortie and John Sauers were appointed to the Cultural Resources Committee and will also serve four years.
