
SOUTH COUNTY : Limits on Bikers’ Use of Trails Considered


County parks officials are considering putting limits on mountain bicyclists’ use of Borrego Canyon Trail in the popular Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park because of complaints that the bikers have been disturbing hikers and horseback riders.

Tim Miller, Orange County regional parks manager, said he plans to recommend that cyclists be allowed to go only one way--uphill--on the narrow, single-track trail off Portola Parkway.

“We’ve had some complaints, the rangers have been stopped by people and we’ve gotten letters,” Miller said. “We’re just trying to correct (the problem). Rather than totally closing off the trail (to cyclists), we believe this is a step in the right direction. It still allows bikers to make a loop through the park.”


Miller said he will make the recommendation to the county Trails Committee at its next meeting, in mid-November.

The proposal to limit bike traffic to an uphill flow came after hikers and horseback riders complained about cyclists coming too fast down the snaking, sloped trail.

“Most bikers are very responsible, very caring and very thoughtful and let people know when they’re coming,” Miller said. “It’s that 5% or so who believe that mountain biking in a park should be a race.”

Bicyclists wanting to make a loop through the park would be able to enter at Borrego Canyon and exit at Serrano Canyon. A bike lane on Portola Parkway connects the two access points.

Pat Henry, a mountain biker and director of the Orange County Trails Coalition, said he supports the proposed restrictions as a means of “imposing trail etiquette.” Henry agreed that a handful of riders have been causing problems.

“You’ve got too many of these yo-yos going pell-mell downhill,” Henry said. “Unfortunately, the people who have been scaring equestrians and hikers are forceful little jerks.”


Miller also said access to the park will be improved in about two weeks when a new parking lot is opened on Portola Parkway, across from the Serrano Canyon entry point.

The existing parking lot near Borrego Canyon holds only 21 cars, forcing many park-goers to leave their cars on the street.

The new parking lot will accommodate about 100 vehicles, he said.
