
OXNARD : Woman Says Family Pig Rudely Evicted


A 40-pound potbellied pig was rudely kicked out of the family home by an insensitive and uncaring animal control officer intent on upholding the letter of the law, an Oxnard woman complained to the City Council on Tuesday.

Karen Wood, who said she has lived in Oxnard for more than 15 years, told council members that Pork Chop was given only two days to vacate the Wood premises after an official discovered the animal three weeks ago.

“He’s a domesticated potbellied pig,” she told council members. “It’s just like a dog except it doesn’t bark and it doesn’t shed.”


The family pig is temporarily living on a ranch in Ojai, said Wood, who wants the city code amended to include potbellied pigs as family pets.

City Atty. Gary L. Gillig defended the animal control officer, saying, “The law is the law.”

“As sympathetic as you might be . . . there are people who find pigs offensive,” Gillig told the council.

But Wood may have found a sympathetic ear in the mayor.

“I have a 40-pound animal too, but mine barks,” Mayor Manuel Lopez said.

Gillig said he would develop potential amendments to the code.

Wood vowed to fight if the council does not grant her request.

“If they say no,” she said outside the council chambers, “we can’t end it there.”
