
Creosote Is the Culprit in Dirty Chimneys


There are critical reasons to keep one’s fireplace and chimney clean and in tiptop operating condition. In fact, a dirty chimney will not only diminish the effectiveness of a fireplace, but, with severe neglect, could be the reason for a chimney fire. And, chimney fires lead to house fires.

According to statistics published by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for 1988, 65,200 residential fires in the 50 states were related to chimneys, fireplaces, wood-burning stoves and other solid fuel appliances. These are fires that may possibly have been prevented with regular chimney inspection, cleaning and repair.

The first step to having a healthy fireplace is by burning the right fuel. Never burn garbage, plastics, foil, coated paper, or painted or chemically treated scrap wood. In addition to causing an unfavorable buildup on the interior of the firebox and chimney, these also produce noxious fumes which pollute the air (in and out of the home). Burn only seasoned split wood. Seasoning allows moisture in wood to evaporate. Forty-four percent more heat can be generated from a seasoned log. A clean burning fire is a hotter fire with good drafting conditions that produce cleaner combustion and less smoke from the chimney.


The next step is to have your chimney inspected by a professional chimney sweep annually and, if necessary, cleaned of soot and creosote which is a chemical substance that forms when wood burns. It is the heavy creosote buildup that becomes highly flammable, often resulting in explosive chimney fires. According to the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG), a national trade association for chimney sweeps, a visual inspection is all that is required for most chimneys. Whereas fees vary according to height and configuration of the fireplace, most visual inspections range from $35 to $60.

In the case where a visual inspection is not adequate, many chimney sweeps are now equipped to do more elaborate inspections with a video camera and monitor referred to as a “chimscan.” The chimscan is more costly than the visual inspection ($100-$200), but will reveal significantly better information about the condition of a chimney. This is especially important when the integrity of the flue is in question due to age or damage from an earthquake or chimney fire.

Finally, as part of his inspection and cleaning, the chimney sweep will also make comments relative to the condition and operation of the damper and spark arrester. Frequently, these will either not exist or are in such a state where they need replacement.

The damper is a steel or cast-iron door that opens or closes the throat of the firebox into the flue. It regulates draft and prevents the loss of heat up the chimney. The spark arrester is a cage-like device that is secured to the top of the chimney. It prevents sparks and ash from escaping and causing a fire on the roof or other potentially flammable substance. It will also keep squirrels, birds and raccoons from nesting in the chimney. Nesting materials can cause a serious safety hazard. Their droppings pose health risks because diseases may be transmitted through their fecal materials. A spark arrester will prevent this.

Prices for a standard cleaning range from $50 to $100 for a single-story home and between $75 and $125 for a two-story home.

How to Remove ‘Hot Spot’ From Table

Q: While serving lunch on place mats, I inadvertently placed a hot teapot on my cherry (light) table without sufficient padding. I now have a mark that I don’t know how to remove. Can you help me?


A: Chances are that the mark is in the waxed surface and not the wood. Try removing the mark by spreading a tablespoon of mayonnaise over the area. Next, cover the mayonnaise with a piece of plastic wrap. Allow the covered mayonnaise to sit for about forty-five minutes. Remove the plastic wrap and, using a nylon scouring pad, lightly work the mayonnaise in the direction of the grain. Wipe up the mayonnaise with a clean dry cloth and treat the area with lemon oil.

Or, you can skip the mayo and coat the area with a thin layer of lemon oil, allowing it to sit for about fifteen minutes. Use the nylon scouring pad as described above. Wipe the area with a clean dry cloth, and finish the job with a bit of lemon oil.
