
Super Bomberman Party Pak, <i> For Super Nintendo by Hudson Soft; $69.95 for package </i>


If you’re looking for non-violent video games, puzzles are among your best bets. Combine a solid puzzle with a neat new accessory, and you have a pretty unbeatable package.

And so we come to Super Bomberman and the Super Bomberman Party Pak, which includes the aptly named Super Multitap. The game will not be sold separately.

Super Bomberman, with a version already available for Nintendo, provides almost nonstop action, adjustable difficulty levels, loads of entertaining power-ups and a wide and bizarre selection of bad guys.


You can play in two modes in Super Bomberman; normal and battle.

In the normal mode, it’s you against the little brain in the game cart. You must work your way through dozens of increasingly difficult levels, battling little foes and big bosses in a perilous battle to free Diamond City.

The game places you, as a little guy in a spacesuit, on a series of checkerboard game fields. Some squares are blank, some are occupied by immovable objects, and others have barricades that can be blown up to clear the space.

Along comes Super Bomberman like some hyperactive chicken, laying bombs like eggs. Place a bomb near one of the destructible items and run; you get a second or two before the bomb goes off.

Complicating things are bands of roving creatures. Most can be destroyed by the bombs, and this is where the real challenge comes in. You have to time dropping the bomb just right to catch the scurrying little creatures in the blast. Some you have to bomb more than once.

Clear the screen, and find the escape hatch hidden under one of the barricades, and you move on to the next level. There are continues and passwords. Thank you, Hudson Soft.

The Super Multitap comes into play when you move into the battle mode. The SM plugs into controller port No. 1 and allows up to four players to hook up at once. Instead of fighting little creatures, you can battle with up to three of your pals. The computer helps out if you don’t have three friends.


The battle mode is more fun than the one-player mode, although you may find it difficult to round up three friends when you get a Bomberman itch at 3 a.m. It’s worth the effort, however; in battle mode, Super Bomberman can legitimately be called great.

The graphics are solid, if simple. Lots of color and moving creatures--and dramatic changes between levels--keep you involved. The explosions are fun, and everything is clear and easy to see.

Control generally is good, although Bomberman occasionally wouldn’t move for a tick after I asked him to. Sound was OK, nothing special.

Bombs away!
