
BIRD’S PARADISE? Any gnatcatchers or cactus wrens...


BIRD’S PARADISE? Any gnatcatchers or cactus wrens flying around Fullerton’s East Coyote Hills on Wednesday may have wondered what was happening to some of their favorite resting places. Unocal began clearing 30 acres there as part of a housing/golf course development. It’s all federally approved, with Unocal agreeing to set aside 125 out of its 380 acres there as a refuge for the two rare species. Officials have timed the clearing to miss the birds’ nesting season.

ALREADY GUILTY? Ron Cabrera wants to open a sports bar at 10489 Bolsa Ave., a busy commercial area in Westminster. What’s wrong with that? Cabrera’s problem is that two businesses there before--a nightclub and a restaurant--were forced to close after incidents of assaults and drug sales. . . . City officials turned him down, fearing it would be another crime magnet. But, says Councilman Craig Schweisinger: “It’s unfortunate that we have to evaluate a business on the track record of someone who was there previously.”

MR. NASTY? The Elks Lodge in Fullerton wanted a name attraction for its Feb. 26 luncheon at the Inn at the Park in Anaheim. So Frankie Manchester, who works in fashion, managed to hook Richard Blackwell, above--famous for his “Worst Dressed” list--who will bring his own models. The Elks say they’ll easily sell out their 600 tickets at $40 per person. Says Manchester: “People say, ‘Oh no, he’ll say something nasty about how I’m dressed.’ But he’s not like that. He’s a wonderful showman.”


BETTER NOISE? Christmas shopping ideas: Some of the best bargains may be in buying used CDs (F1). In Costa Mesa, the Noise, Noise Noise record store, which specializes in alternative and dance music, stocks its shelves with new unknowns, but waits for used CDs to sell what owner Dave James calls “that expensive, corporate rock stuff.” . . . Suggests James: “That stuff new is such a rip-off that if you can get it for half-price, anyone with half a brain will.”
