
3 Men Held After Drug Lab Found in Antelope Valley

Three San Fernando Valley men were arrested Saturday on suspicion of manufacturing methamphetamine in a makeshift lab in the Antelope Valley, authorities said.

A property owner on a routine tour of his land discovered a new shed and what looked like a group of men cooking chemicals, said Lt. Ron Shreves of the Antelope Valley Sheriff’s Station.

When deputies arrived, the men were gone, but remnants of a narcotics lab remained inside the shed, Shreves said.


Three men, two of them brothers, were later arrested on the Golden State Freeway near Roxford Street in Sylmar and were held in lieu of $500,000 bail each.

Arrested were Luis H. Rios, 34, of Lake View Terrace; Miguel H. Rios, 32, of San Fernando, and Gustavo Becerra, 48, of Van Nuys, authorities said.

Sheriff’s deputies seized an undisclosed amount of what appeared to be narcotics in the lab and in the suspects’ vehicle, Shreves said.
