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OC High asks: What changes would help students and teachers get along better?

“If teachers would tell more jokes.” Kevin Krainman, 16 junior, St. Michel’s

“Students need to want to learn; those who don’t shouldn’t be in class. The students left in the class would have a better attitude and contribute to a better teacher-student relationship.” Robert Apodaca, 16 sophomore, Fountain Valley

“Don’t assign homework.” Tom Chang, 17 senior, Mission Viejo

“Bribery should be allowed. In order to bond with teachers, we should get bonds--you know, like money.” Karen Velton, 15 freshman, Capistrano Valley

“I think it would be better if both teachers and students could communicate their frustrations and problems openly with one another.” Shelia Nagaraj, 15 sophomore, Sunny Hills


“Teachers need to help break down the communication barriers, as well as paying more attention to students’ needs and teach around them.” Jamie Nelson, 16 junior, Irvine

“Smaller classes. Rather than one teacher to 40 students, there needs to be more of a one-on-one atmosphere.” Nickie Parchan, 17 junior, Troy

“If the teachers and staff respected students more and treated us like adults.” Anila Rad, 17 senior, Ocean View


“Better attitudes. Teachers should be more of a friend to their students. Stuents need to care more about their education.” Pieter DeBrunn, 19 senior, Cypress

“Maybe if the teachers were a little more understanding, and if they would remember that they were kids once too. The students should try as well to understand their teachers more.” Laura Fauteux, 17 junior, Villa Park

“If teachers treated everyone with respect instead of assuming everyone is bad.” Cyndi Danna, 15 freshman, El Dorado


“Student-teacher relationships would flourish if teachers did not expect students to know as much as they do and if students spent more time reading the encyclopedia, Science Digest and the World Almanac.” Takako Tajima, 18 senior, Huntington Beach

“If teachers would come out of their shells and be willing to get to know, and not be afraid of, their students. It means so much more to know they understand where we are coming from instead of treating us like another number.” Don Francis, 17 senior, Dana Hills

“Students and teachers need to respect each other. Teachers need to understand that students try their hardest but still cannot always learn the material.” Diane Spillan, 17 junior, Rosary

“If teachers would have more patience and understanding about what teen-agers go through.” Hila Roth, 16 sophomore, Loara

“Teachers and students should have more quality time together. Maybe they should do something together to better understand each other.” Sedric Co, 17 junior, University

“Teachers: Don’t flirt with the kids. Stop favoring the guys over the girls.” Nancy Ann Troia, 17 junior, Capistrano Valley


“Realize that we have other classes and other responsibilities.” Debi Finestone, 15, sophomore, Trabuco Hills

“If teachers treated students as peers and allowed more freedom of expression and opinion, students could relate and respect the teacher because (the student) would view them on the same level rather than as an authoritarian figure giving instructions.” Kathy Wu, 17 senior, Canyon

“If teachers would give homework outside of the book.” Pier Ibe, 17 senior, St. Michael’s

“Teachers need to be more sensitive and understanding, while students should treat teachers with respect as they deserve it.” Jennifer Maresh, 16 junior, Villa Park

“Teachers shouldn’t only be authority figures, and students should go into class with a more open mind.” Gloria Olamendi, 16 junior, Dana Hills

“Get ones that know how to teach.” Tracy Gardner, 16 junior, Mission Viejo

“Communication.” Isabel DeAnda, 15 freshman, Sonora

“Teachers need to spend more time out of class helping the students to understand the material if they have a problem with it.” Brad Thomas, 17 junior, Irvine

“I think that students should respect the teachers because they’ve tried hard to help us, and we should appreciate their hard work.” Kevin Tran, 17 junior, Santiago


“If students and teachers formed stronger student-teacher relationships and communicated more, I believe both groups would benefit. Students also need to realize that they are not in a prison but in a place where they can expand their minds and learn more than just what is in the book.” Lisa Lindstrom, 15 sophomore, Rosary

“If teachers would see what it’s like from a student’s point of view, things would be better.” Ben Winnick, 17 senior, Loara

“More respect from both sides: The students need to respect the teachers as well as the teachers need to respect the students.” Michelle Johnson, 16 junior, Fountain Valley

“If during the beginning of the year, during one class period, each student tells about him or herself and the teachers talk about themselves. That way everyone will be more relaxed and comfortable with their teachers and peers.” Mee-Mee Thomas, 17 junior, Cypress

“If they give students more feedback and explain how they feel.” Torrey Parker, 15 sophomore, Trabuco Hills

“I think teachers should give students breaks in between lectures--to improve the understanding. And possibly students should jointly plan the curriculum, so students would learn about teachers and vice versa. Some students are so stressed out that teachers should encourage a less competitive atmosphere, which would be beneficial.” Emi Kojima, 15 freshman, University


“For the most part, teachers and students get along fine here at Los Amigos. I don’t think we would need to change anything.” Michael Doss, 16 sophomore, Los Amigos

“Teachers should get more involved with what their students do in the classroom and outside of the classroom, to try to motivate students into enjoying and trying in the classroom.” Greg Dobhen, 14 freshman, Sonora

“If teachers approach their students on a more personal level, the students will be more apt to learn and participate in class discussions.” Noel Shull, 17 junior, Troy

“If students and teachers had more interaction, instead of teachers just dictating and lecturing to the students.” Gina Runjzel, 17 senior, Ocean View

“If we could break down the image that teachers are superhuman. Both teachers and students need to make the effort to accept each other.” Amanda Miller, 16 sophomore, El Dorado

“If teachers would be examples of school spirit and teach their students how to be responsible citizens.” K.C. Wolbert, 18 senior, Huntington Beach
