
CAMARILLO : Decision on Housing Project Is Delayed

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The Camarillo Planning Commission has delayed a decision on a developer’s proposal to build 89 single-family homes on the city’s northwest side until next month.

The commissioners postponed the matter until June 7 so that Spanish Hills Development Co. and the Pleasant Valley School District might have time to reach an agreement on fees the company must pay the district.

Spanish Hills developers want the commission to change the 52-acre parcel’s zoning from rural to residential planned development, which would allow 89 houses, instead of only 39, on the site.


The project would be more modest than the adjacent 430-acre Spanish Hills housing and golf course development, where houses are 3,500 square feet or larger. The new proposal calls for the houses to range between 1,900 and 2,500 square feet.

Under the terms of the state School Facilities Act, developers must pay school districts $2.65 per square foot for each residential project that is built. But when a zone change is requested, the law allows a school district to negotiate higher fees than the state minimum.

Should the Planning Commission approve the proposal, the matter will go before the City Council, which rules on all zoning changes. The council has tentatively scheduled the issue for its June 22 meeting.
