
E-MAIL BOX : Dear Courtney: For the Future, It’s Mr<i> . </i> Weasel


If you went out and spent a bundle on computer equipment so you could check in on Courtney Love through the America Online service, we’re sorry.

Following last week’s Pop Eye coverage of Love’s use of the service to communicate with fans and air her grievances after the suicide of her husband, Kurt Cobain, in April, she has signed off.

“i wont be bak,” the singer wrote in a final message posted on one of the AOL bulletin boards. “i thought it was good to come here and flame my real father and stop slim (Slim Moon, owner of the record label Kill Rock Stars) from ripping off Kurt, but all the publicity . . . forget it.”


To fans who had sent her messages of support she added, “you all seem really nice.”

As for your friendly Pop Eye correspondent, Love wasn’t so kind, using the term weasel . We don’t take it too hard; some have suggested that being called a weasel by Love is the grunge equivalent of being on Nixon’s enemies list.

We should note that in her message Love wrote, “pls DONT PUBLISH THIS POSTING”--an odd request to put on something posted in a public forum already accessed by thousands of people.
