
BEYOND RAP: It’s Broadway tunes at the...

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BEYOND RAP: It’s Broadway tunes at the Orange County Performing Arts Center this afternoon, by two dozen young people who put the show together themselves. The free shows, 4 and 6 p.m., are the finale of a two-week summer workshop for high school youth considered high risk for not making it to graduation. Tom Tomlinson, the center’s executive director, says of the program, in its third year: “Ninety percent have gone on to graduate from school, and some have even gone on to study music in college.”

NAKED FACE: Here’s a sure sign that November is approaching: Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) has shaved off his beard. The congressman, seeking a ninth term this fall, makes a habit of shedding his red whiskers for the campaign trail, leaving them intact only once, in 1986. (He won anyway.) His wife, Sallie, says she’s fond of his beard: “It gives him a nice Viking look.”

NO WHITNEY: The Pond of Anaheim is having bad luck with its star-studded entertainment lineup. First Barbra Streisand had to postpone four concerts because of throat problems. Now Whitney Houston, above, has canceled tonight--for the same reason. Houston, who recently suffered a miscarriage, had to cancel in Phoenix Thursday night because of a sore throat. But her staff had told the Pond she had hoped to keep tonight’s date. The concert was rescheduled to Aug. 21.


JUDICIAL LUAU: Appellate Court Justice Edward J. Wallin may look somber in his black robe when court is in session, but on weekends he knows how to throw a party. He and his wife, Aurora Harris, have nearly 250 beachwear guests--at $40 each--coming to their Orange Park Acres back yard today for the second annual Rumple’s Surfin’ Safari party. . . . The music is by “Attractive Nuisance,” a band of lawyers, with Municipal Judge Ronald P. Kreber on tambourine. Sponsored by the Orange County Barristers, it’s all for a cause--to benefit the Orangewood Children’s Foundation.
