
LAGUNA NIGUEL : Parents to Ask City for Crossing Guards


Parents concerned about the safety of children walking to the city’s two new schools say they will ask the City Council tonight to place crossing guards, not just stop signs, outside the schools.

The traffic commission has recommended that the council place three-way stop signs at Hidden Hills Road and Sandling Court for kids going to Hidden Hills Elementary School, set to open in September on heavily traveled Hidden Hills Road between Sandling Court and Firenze Street.167772161 For children walking to John S. Malcom Elementary School, 32261 Charles Road, the commission also recommended three-way stops where Charles Road intersects Ridgeway Avenue and Brighton Place.

Opher Banarie, chairman of the Hidden Hills Parent-Teacher Assn.’s safety committee, said parents believe stop signs will not provide enough protection.


“With all the kids coming and going, drivers may start backing up, get frustrated and try to drive between the kids,” Banarie said. “Plus, we don’t need a 24-hour traffic restriction there.”

However, the city’s traffic engineers said stop signs will be useful even during non-school hours, as children and adults cross the streets near the schools to attend school functions or to use the schools’ play areas.

Engineers also said approving crossing guards for Malcom and Hidden Hills would encourage parents of children at other schools to also petition the city for guards.

Placing crossing guards at one intersection costs roughly $9,400 per year.
